The Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee (hereinafter the J.S.S.E.P.C.) is a registered (registered in accordance with the provisions of section 5A of the Societies Ordinance) and non-profit-making charitable organization in Hong Kong.
It is solely comprised of students from more than 150 local secondary schools who are passionate for science. We possess the aims of arousing public interest in science, fostering the exchange of scientific knowledge, putting science into practice, encouraging scientific research, promoting cooperation among local secondary schools and fostering academic and cultural exchange with foreign students. For the past fifty-two years, the annual Joint School Science Exhibition (hereinafter the J.S.S.E. or the Exhibition) has been held successively and successfully by the J.S.S.E.P.C. With the unfailing support from sponsors, Project Holders as well as Preparation Committee members, the J.S.S.E. attracts a great number of visitors every year, and its achievement is widely recognized. |
在過去的五十二年,聯校科學展覽籌備委員會已經連續成功舉辦多屆聯校科學展覽。有賴贊助商、展品負責人以及成員學校的鼎力支持,聯校科學展覽的成果多年來都得到廣泛認同,並吸引了大量市民前來參觀。 |